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After being laid off during the pandemic at 7 months pregnant, I saw a cardinal outside of our house for the first time. At a time when I felt confused, lost and raw, there was this bright red bird that I saw as a sign of comfort. My grandmother was reportedly part Native American, and the cardinal felt like a message from her. Since this sighting, I often saw the cardinal when I felt lost or worried and it brought me comfort. I also saw the cardinal as a protector of our new family member, my daughter. 


Getting laid off was a blessing in disguise. I started to explore the world of photography again; a well-known passion of mine. In college, I took multiple photography classes while getting my psychology degree. I am a licensed school psychologist and a licensed behavior analyst with extensive experience working with individuals with disabilities. I have worked as a clinical director, manager, and supervisor for many years. Photography has always been my outlet during this time. 

I am excited to share my passion with others. I want to help families and individuals capture that special moment in time that they will cherish for years. I look forward to working with you!


From "The most common interpretation of a cardinal is a message from a departed loved one. Whenever you see one, it signifies that they are visiting you. They generally appear when you need or miss them the most. They also come through moments of joy and sorrow to let you know they will always be there for you... The word 'cardinal' is Latin, derived from 'cardo', which means hinge or door. As a result, the bird serves as a physical portal between the spiritual world and the Earth, with the mission of sending messages between the two."


Official Name: Cardinal Photography NY LLC​

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